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Privacy Notice


Next4biz pays utmost attention to the security of your personal data. All personal data of all individuals, including those who benefit from our products and services, are processed and stored in accordance with relevant laws and regulations (including Turkish law on the Protection of Personal Data No:6658, General Data Protection Regulation in Eu and California Consumer Privacy Act in the USA) We process your personal data from time to time as a “Data Controller,” or “Data Processor” within the limits stipulated by the law.

1. Type of Personal Data We Are Processing

We process personal information that can identify a real person. We collect and process data, including but not limited to names, surnames, postal addresses, email addresses, account names, usernames, passwords, customer financial information, employee data, web user statistics.

2. Reasons of Collecting and Processing Personal Data

We process your personal data to provide our services to you as part of the commercial activities of our Company.

Your collected personal data will be processed within the personal data processing conditions and purposes: (i) to enable our business units to help you benefit from the products and services offered by our Company; (ii) to recommend and customize the products and services offered by our Company according to your choices, usage practices and needs; (iii) to ensure the legal and commercial security of our Company and the people who are in business relations with our Company; (iv) to manage customer feedback/complaint processes; (v) to conduct reputation research for our Company; (vi) to manage Company events; (vii) to ensure legal compliance; (vii) to ensure the proper management of audits or financial affairs, etc.; (viii) to determine and implement our Company’s commercial and business strategies; and (ix) to manage relations with our employees and to ensure the execution of our Company’s human resources policies.

3. To Whom and for What Purposes the Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Your personal data is not transferred within the scope of the execution of operational processes. Your personal data will be processed and stored in secure environments at the data centers provided by our third party infrastructure partners for when and to what extent it is required in the services provided by our Company.

4. Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is collected by digital and manual methods directly from you or from the company you are getting services, if your company enters into a contractual relationship with us to benefit from our services, or you use our support centers or web services, visit our Company or website, or participate in training, seminars or organizations held by us. The legal reason for collecting personal data is to carry out the necessary activities in order to fulfill a business contract or provide services as indicated in relevant laws and regulations.

5. Data Subject Rights

As data subjects, if you submit your demands and requests regarding your rights to our Company using the methods described below in this Privacy Notice, our Company will finalize your request as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the Personal Data Protection Board stipulates a fee, the fee in the tariff determined by our Company will be charged. In this context, data subjects have the right to:

  • Learn whether their personal data is being processed;
  • Request further information if their personal data has been processed;
  • Learn why their personal data is being processed and whether it is being used in line with the specified purpose;
  • Learn the local or international third parties to whom their personal data is transferred;
  • Request the correction of incompletely or inaccurately processed personal data, and request the notification of the third-party recipients of the data about such corrections;
  • Request the deletion or destruction of personal data. Save for legal exceptions such as defending rights and interests of others, keeping data for a certain period of time for legal obligations, etc.);
  • Object to any unfavorable conclusions resulting from exclusively automated analysis of their processed data;
  • Request compensation for any loss incurred because of unlawful processing of their personal data;
  • Request to withdraw your consent for processing (if the legal basis for processing your personal data is only your consent) your personal data at any time by contacting [email protected]

Any demand and request for exercising your above-mentioned rights can be submitted in writing and signed to the address “Next4biz Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş., Sahrayı Cedit Mah. Halk Sk. No.: 40 Kat 4 PakPen Plaza Kadıköy Istanbul, Türkiye” , or send an email to [email protected] or to our registered email address at [email protected] with a secure electronic signature . Your application to exercise one of your aforementioned rights as a data subject should explicitly explain the purpose of your application and specify the right you wish to exercise. The application should be about an issue concerning you, or if you are acting on behalf on another individual, it should contain your certified authorization to do so. Additionally, in your application, you should include your contact information for future correspondence and attach official documents certifying your identity.

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