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1.1.1.Marketing and Sales Management Design and Customization Training

The design and customization training includes product customization, design, and reporting. This program is not designed for end-users; participants will receive design and customization training in line with their company’s needs.

The training will be held online and spans over five half-days. The participation fee covers the entire training program per person.

The training program can be found by clicking this link.

1.1.2.Marketing and Sales Management End-User Training

This program gives full information about the overall use of the product. The end-user training can be presented by company officials responsible for design and customization or by Next4biz specialists.

This is an in-class program and is tailored for each company. The participation fee is not per person, but for each training session. The training covers a day, and the contents are prepared in cooperation with the company.


1.2.1.Customer Service Management Design and Customization Training

The design and customization training includes product customization, design and reporting. This program is not designed for end-users; participants will receive design and customization training in line with their company’s needs.

The training will be held online and spans four half-days and two full days. The participation fee covers the entire training program per person.

The training program can be found by clicking this link.

1.2.2.Customer Service End User Training

This program gives full information about the overall use of the product. The end-user training can be presented by company officials responsible for design and customization or by Next4biz specialists.

This is an in-class program and is tailored for each company. The participation fee is not per person, but for each training session. The training covers a day, and the contents are prepared in cooperation with the company.


1.3.1.Business Process Management Design and Customization Training

The design and customization training includes product interface, customization, process design, product notification and reporting features. This program is not designed for end-users; participants will receive design and customization training in line with their company’s needs.

The training will be held online and spans six half-days and two full days. The participation fee covers the entire training program per person.

The training program can be found by clicking this link.



2.1.1.CRM Process Analysis and Design

At the workshop, we carry out analyses on the customer data structure, existing customer data, customer information management, customer segmentation, campaign management and reporting process, digital behavior analysis, and sales data analysis and reporting. We also determine integration points and methods.

Consequently, Next4biz – Best Practices offers solutions for identified problems to achieve the targeted results. A “Solution Design Report” is prepared for the planned solution.

2.1.2.Defining CRM Process on Next4biz

By applying the Next4biz Roadmap to Success methodology, processes are designed with the customer to ensure that their demands are thoroughly met. In the workshop, the Next4biz CRM Product consultant presents the best practices. Our product consultants enable the customer project team to design their own processes on Next4biz, check the results of the workshop, and provide guidance if necessary. The planned “Customer Relationship Management Process” is then designed on Next4biz and made ready for use.


2.2.1.Analysis and Design of Customer Service Processes

We evaluate the customer’s methods of communication with their own customers, their handling of incoming requests and complaints, and how they resolve these requests and complaints. We also determine integration points and methods.

Consequently, Next4biz – Best Practices offers solutions for identified problems to achieve the targeted results. A “Solution Design Report” is prepared for the planned solution.

2.2.2.Defining Customer Service Processes on Next4biz

By applying the Next4biz Roadmap to Success methodology, processes are implemented with the customer to ensure that their demands are thoroughly met. In the workshop, the Next4biz Product consultant presents the best practices. Our product consultants enable the customer project team to design their own processes on Next4biz, check the results of the workshop, and provide guidance if necessary. The planned “Customer Service Process” is then designed on Next4biz and made ready for use.

2.2.3.Report Design and Application

The workshop details how to perform performance monitoring and status analysis with Next4biz. It demonstrates the creation of custom reports on the reporting infrastructure.


Design consultancy for a process example, including 8 to 10 Statuses and 10 to 15 Transitions.

2.3.1.Process Analysis and Design

The workshop includes a comprehensive process analysis.
Consequently, Next4biz – Best Practices offers solutions for identified problems to achieve the targeted results. A “Solution Design Report” is prepared for the planned solution.

2.3.2.Process Development

By applying the Next4biz Roadmap to Success methodology, processes are implemented with the customer to ensure that their demands are thoroughly met. In the workshop, the Next4biz Product consultant presents the best practices. Our product consultants design the planned process by the customer’s project team and prepare it for use.

2.3.3.Report Design and Application

The workshop details how to perform performance monitoring and status analysis with Next4biz. It demonstrates the creation of custom reports on the reporting infrastructure. Ten report/dashboard examples are designed and applied together with the customer.



3.1.1.Call Center Integration

The Call Center Application opens the Next4biz issue entry interface with pop-ups in the browser window. The Call Center Application calls the relevant Next4biz URL. Information such as CallerID, CallID, and AgentID are provided as parameters. Next4biz records this information. An automatic customer search is performed with the information sourced from the CC software, while customer information, past issues, open issues, and if any, order and product information are transferred to the agent. In case there is more than one call center, the fee will be applied individually per call center integration.

3.1.2.Email Integration

Next4biz supports SMTP and POP3 protocols as well as the sending and receiving of email via Exchange Web Services. Emails will be sent and received via these methods. Email addresses and server access information are provided by the customer. In case there is more than one email service integration, the fee will be applied individually per email service integration.

3.1.3.SMS Integration (Supported Service Provider)

It is the fee for the integration of Next4biz with SMS service providers. In case there is more than one SMS service integration, the fee will be applied individually per SMS service integration.

3.1.4.SMS Integration (Unsupported Service Provider)

It is the fee for the integration of Next4biz with SMS service providers. In case there is more than one SMS service integration, the fee will be applied individually per SMS service integration.

3.1.5.Self-Service Integration – Anonymous

The Self-Service – Customer Help Center is integrated into the corporate website. This way, customers can submit issues via the corporate website. The issue submission interface allows unique interface designs for different categories. Issues submitted via the Self-Service option can be automatically re-directed to relevant workflows based on categories. Self-Service also includes the knowledge base (SSS) interface. The knowledge base enables customers to resolve their requests, demands and complaints without submitting an issue. The Self-Service component is an iframe. The necessary script for website integration is created automatically. In case there is more than one website integration, the fee will be applied individually per website integration.

3.1.6.Self-Service Integration – Single Sign-On (E-Commerce, Online Transactions, etc.)

Self-Service Customer Help Center is integrated into the corporate website, e-commerce site, online transactions application, and customer portal. Single Sign-On or Next4biz customer management enables the monitoring of customer issues across all channels on an integrated platform. Customers can also submit issues via the website. The issue submission interface allows unique interface designs for different categories. Issues submitted via the Self-Service option can be automatically re-directed to relevant workflows based on categories. Self-Service also includes the knowledge base (SSS) interface. The knowledge base enables customers to resolve their requests, demands and complaints without submitting an issue. The Self-Service component is an iframe. The necessary script for website integration is created automatically. In case there is more than one website integration, the fee will be applied individually per website integration.

3.1.7.Self-Service Integration – Mobile Application Integration

Self-Service – Customer Help Center is integrated into the corporate mobile application. Single Sign-On enables the monitoring of issues across all channels on the mobile application. Customers can also submit issues via the mobile application. The issue submission interface allows unique interface designs for different categories. Issues submitted via the Self-Service option can be automatically re-directed to relevant workflows based on categories. Self-Service also includes the knowledge base (SSS) interface. The knowledge base enables customers to resolve their requests, demands and complaints without submitting an issue. It integrates Next4biz Self-Service into the Next4biz web services and corporate mobile application. In the case of self-service integration with multiple mobile applications, the fee is applied individually to each mobile application. In case there is more than one mobile application integration, the fee will be applied individually per website integration.

3.1.8.Social Media Integration (Supported Integrators)

It refers to the integration service with “social media tracking platforms” supported by Next4biz. Integration platforms can submit issues on Next4biz using the APIs provided by Next4biz. If the platform ensures the necessary API support, the replies on Next4biz can be displayed on the relevant platform, and therefore, on the relevant social media platform. In case there is more than one social media integrator, the fee will be applied individually per social media integrator. Licenses for the social media integration platform are provided by the company.

3.1.9.Social Media Integration (Other Integrators)

It refers to the integration service with “social media tracking platforms” not supported by Next4biz. First, an integration is established with the social media tracking platform preferred by the company. Integration platforms can submit issues on Next4biz using the APIs provided by Next4biz. If the platform ensures the necessary API support, the replies on Next4biz can be displayed on the relevant platform, and therefore, on the relevant social media platform. In case there is more than one social media integrator, the fee will be applied individually per social media integrator. Licenses for the social media integration platform are provided by the company.

3.1.10.ş Integration

Integration is provided through the APIs of ş The company purchases the relevant API service separately from ş In case there is more than one ş account, the fee will be applied individually per ş account.

3.1.11.WhatsApp Business Integration (Supported WhatsApp API Provider)

Next4biz is integrated into WhatsApp Business through the APIs provided by an integrator selected by Next4biz. In case there is more than one WhatsApp integration with company or company units, the fee will be applied individually per WhatsApp integration.

3.1.12.WhatsApp Business Integration (Unsupported WhatsApp API Provider)

Next4biz is integrated into WhatsApp Business through the APIs provided by an integrator selected by the company and not yet supported by Next4biz. WhatsApp Business pricing is covered by the company. In case there is more than one WhatsApp integration with company or company units, the fee will be applied individually per WhatsApp integration.

3.1.13.Chat and Bot Integration (Supported Chat and Bot)

It refers to the configuration and customization of supported Chat and Bot applications.

3.1.14.Chat and Bot Integration (Unsupported Chat and Bot)

Chat and Bot applications can inquire about customer information and open issues using Next4biz API. Next4biz will provide API support for integration.

3.1.15.Integration with E-Commerce Platforms (Supported Integrators)

It enables customer issues submitted via e-commerce platforms to be transferred to Next4biz through API integration using an integrator supported by Next4biz. It also checks whether any updates are provided regarding the issue and communicates them back to the e-commerce platform. The integrator creates an issue using next4biz API, then inquires about the issue status/response, and sends that information back to the platform.

3.1.16.Integration with E-Commerce Platforms (Unsupported Integrators)

It enables transferring customer issues submitted via e-commerce platforms to Next4biz through API integration using an integrator that is preferred by the company but not yet supported by Next4biz. It also checks whether any updates are provided regarding the issue and communicates them back to the e-commerce platform. The integrator creates an issue using Next4biz API, then inquires about the issue status/response, and sends that information back to the platform. In this case, Next4biz provides the necessary API support.

3.1.17.Summary Transfer of Past Issue Logs

Past issue logs archived in the previously used issue management application are transferred in bulk to Next4biz with a single record for each issue in summary. To prepare for transfer, data should be pulled from the relevant system in compliance with the Next4biz bulk issue upload template. This enables access to customer data logged prior to next4biz integration.

3.1.18.Transferring Next4biz Issue Log Summary to a Different System

Issues saved on Next4biz can be transferred as special records to customer information logged on another system. This integration will be enabled by APIs provided by the company.


3.2.1.Customer Information Integration

Next4biz can be integrated with systems on which corporate customer data, such as customer database, ERP, CRM, e-commerce, etc., is saved. Companies provide customer web services to inquire about customer information.

Next4biz scans basic customer information (full name, customer ID, contact information), identifies the customer, and enables issue creation on behalf of the customer. The fee is applied to the integration of one web service.

This integration is not required if the CRM customer information integration was completed simultaneously with the Next4biz CRM module.

3.2.2.Customer Product and Service Purchases Query Integration (Retail, E-Commerce)

Basic product and service information saved on corporate systems (ERP, CRM, e-commerce, etc.) is integrated via web services. By selecting the product or service in the issue entry, the issue entry and reporting can be completed on the basis of the product/service. The fee is applied to the integration of one web service.

This integration is not required if the CRM customer information integration was completed simultaneously with the Next4biz CRM module.

3.2.3.Customer Product Order, Dispatch, and Delivery Query Integration (Retail, E-Commerce)

It gives the opportunity to search for and access previous orders of selected customers (using information such as customer ID, invoice no., mobile phone number, etc.) via Next4biz. The company must enable order and product inquiry web services.

It helps check product information for selected orders and provides access via Next4biz. Information including product title, invoice number or barcode, explanation, amount, quantity, size, category, season, and color is obtained through the web services provided by the company. The fee is applied to the integration of one web service.

This integration is not required if the CRM customer information integration was completed simultaneously with the Next4biz CRM module.

3.2.4.Customer Products and Accounts Query Integration (Finance)

Basic financial product and account information saved on corporate systems (ERP, CRM, e-commerce, etc.) is integrated via web services. By selecting the product or account in the issue entry, the issue entry and reporting can be completed on the basis of product/account. The fee is applied to the integration of one web service.

This integration is not required if the CRM customer information integration was completed simultaneously with the Next4biz CRM module.

3.2.5.Customer Product and Account Transactions Query Integration (Finance)

It gives the opportunity to search for and access previous transactions of selected customers (using information such as customer ID, account ID, mobile phone number, etc.) via Next4biz. The company must enable account transaction inquiry web services.

It helps check account information for selected transactions and provides access via Next4biz. Information including transaction date, type, explanation, or amount is obtained through the web services provided by the company. The fee is applied to the integration of one web service.

This integration is not required if the CRM customer information integration was completed

3.2.6.Store and Personnel Information Integration

Store and Personnel Information is obtained through ERP by web services. Issues can be related to a store or an employee when being created.

3.2.7.Status Integration with Field Service Applications

Customer Information Inquiry

Customer Information is stored centrally on Next4biz. When creating a record on a Service Management application, the application in question queries customers via the Next4biz API. If no customer record is found, the relevant next4biz API method is triggered to create a new record.

Creating a Service Record

Service record requests are created through the web services to be provided by a Service Management application.

Service Record Status Update

The status information of the service record created on a Service Management application via Next4biz is updated by that Service Management application using the Next4biz API.

Closing Service Record

The status information of the service record created on a Service Management application via Next4biz is closed by that Service Management application using the Next4biz API.

Inquiry and Display of Service Records

The selected customer’s service records and their latest status information are queried and listed using the web services offered by the service software. Information such as the product associated with the service record, its status, the start and end dates, and the last action date is presented.


3.3.1.Integration for Bulk Emails (Supported Email Service Provider)

Next4biz supports SMTP and POP3 protocols as well as the sending and receiving of email via Exchange Web Services and bulk emailing integrators. Email addresses and server access information is provided by the company. In the case of integration with multiple email services, the fee will be applied individually for each integration (not for each different email send or receipt address but for each email service).

3.3.2.Integration for Bulk Emails (Unsupported Email Service Provider)

Next4biz supports SMTP and POP3 protocols as well as the sending and receiving of email via Exchange Web Services and bulk emailing integrators. If the email service used by the company is not supported by Next4biz, the necessary integration is developed. Email addresses and server access information is provided by the company. In the case of integration with multiple email services, the fee will be applied individually for each integration (not for each different email send or receipt address but for each email service).

3.3.3.Integration for Bulk Messaging (Supported SMS Service Provider)

It is the fee for the integration of Next4biz with SMS service providers supported by Next4biz. In case there is more than one SMS service integration, the fee will be applied individually to the integration of each SMS service.

3.3.4.Integration for Bulk Messaging (Unsupported SMS Service Provider)

It is the fee for the integration of Next4biz with SMS service providers not yet supported by Next4biz. In case there is more than one SMS service integration, the fee will be applied individually to the integration of each SMS service.

3.3.5.Permission-Based Contact List Integration (Supported Integrator)

We provide integration with permission-based contact applications to help you manage email and SMS campaigns through an integrator supported by Next4biz. SMS and emails will be sent to consenting customers only (four specialist days).

3.3.6.Permission-Based Contact List Integration (Unsupported Integrator)

Next4biz provides integration with permission-based contact applications to help you manage email and SMS campaigns through an integrator not yet supported by next4biz. SMS and emails will be sent to consenting customers only. Next4biz will develop the integration with the integrator preferred by the company.spe

3.3.7.Permission-Based Contact List – New Customer Integration (Supported Integrator)

If a Next4biz-supported permission-based contact integrator provides a “web interface to acquire customer consent via SMS code”, this interface can be integrated into the Next4biz CSM. After creating or searching a customer record on Next4biz CSM, SMS authorization can be enabled by transitioning to the interface provided by the integrator (three specialist days).

3.3.8.Permission-Based Contact List – New Customer Integration (Unsupported Integrator)

If a permission-based contact integrator (not yet supported by Next4biz) provides a “web interface to acquire customer consent via SMS code”, this interface can be integrated into the Next4biz CSM. After creating or searching a customer record on Next4biz CSM, SMS authorization can be enabled by transitioning to the interface provided by the integrator.


3.4.1.Customer Information Batch Upload Support

Through the Next4biz Web Services, the company can transfer customer data in bulk to the Next4biz CRM. This enables the combining and managing customer data from different sources (demographics, contact information, purchase products and services, orders, logistics of orders, customer scorecards on current systems, service requests, complaints) in the same CRM database in a consolidated and deduplicated manner.

3.4.2.Customer Information Data Integration API Support

Through the Next4biz Web Services, the company can continuously integrate customer data into the Next4biz CRM. This enables the combining and managing customer data from different sources (demographics, contact information, purchase products and services, orders, logistics of orders, customer scorecards on current systems, service requests, complaints) in the same CRM database in a consolidated and deduplicated manner.

3.4.3.Customer Data Deduplication

Suppose the company wants to deduplicate customer information for consolidation into the Next4biz CRM. In that case, the data deduplication feature must be added and configurated into the customer information data integration of Next4biz. 

3.4.5.Customer Segmentation

Segmentation is applied to values consolidated on Next4biz or calculated and derived from available information by Next4biz. The service covers three different segmentation services.

3.4.6.KPI Calculation

KPIs from existing corporate systems (basket size, shopping frequency, latest shopping date) can be transferred to Next4biz in bulk or via data upload or update through integration. Furthermore, KPIs can be identified via consolidated data on next4biz or by calculation from the available information. The service covers the identification and calculation of five KPIs.

3.4.7.Support in Transferring Customer Information to Corporate Systems via Web Serviceṡ

If the company desires, they can transfer data stored on Next4biz to their systems via an integration to be written by the company using the API interfaces and documentation by Next4biz. next4biz will provide the necessary know-how. In case of an intensive data transfer, Next4biz reserves the right to limit the reverse data transfer to a certain period of time and schedule (at nighttime or for altered data).

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