
A brand-new concept in the energy sector: Customer!
Such users who are called free consumers are free to choose whatever provider they wish without being restricted to a single provider. For the time being, only users who regularly pay a certain amount of electricity bill (TL 130 which amounts to 4000 kWh per month) are eligible to benefit from this newly introduce practice. Subscribers whose bills exceed that amount may choose their own electricity providers. They may even choose a provider from a different city if they wish to. Subscribers are now allowed to switch between different energy providers in the same way they can switch their mobile numbers from one service provider to another.
Yes, you have not heard it wrong; you may choose an electricity provider from Erzincan even when you reside in Istanbul.
Subscribers will turn into customers.
But the most efficient way of retaining your customers and adding new ones to your portfolio is to ensure customer satisfaction. All sectors must take customer queries and customer satisfaction seriously. It would not be amiss to state that providing exceptional customer service and ensuring sustainable customer satisfaction must be on the top of the agenda of companies. Not just retail but also delivery companies must take the matter of customer communication management (requests, complaints etc.) seriously.
A 4 Question Critical Test
Subscribers will soon turn into customers. Are energy companies ready for the change?
How about taking the measure of your level of competence in customer services? We have reduced the size of the 22 question test to a mere 4 questions.
1. A customer sends a complaint e-mail; he contacts the call center afterwards to check the status of his complaint. Is the agent taking the call aware at that moment of the customer’s e-mail? Or will the customer have to relay his complaint from the scratch?
2. Are you able to instantaneously track the personnel who raised the ticket, which personnel performed what actions and who is causing the delay? Or do you need to make a few phone calls before you figure that out?
3. Are you directly able to see the history of past correspondences with the customer on the screen? Or is there a possibility that the same complaint may have been entered twice on the system?
4. Are you able to analyze what sorts of complaints are made from which regions with regards to which products and at which periods? Do you know the root causes? Or do you just keep employing more and more agents?
next4biz allows customer communications (requests, demands, complaints etc.) from all channels (call centers, web, email, social media, chat) to be collected at a single pool, to be tracked throughout the entire process and it also allows the root causes of delays and any other systematical shortcomings to be revealed.
next4biz is the most widely used customer complaints management application in Turkey. It can both be used as SaaS on cloud and on-premise. Work units are able to design and improve their work processes on their own without needing the assistance of IT professionals or consultants